Are you eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals?
If you think you are, but have questions, please attend...
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Fair
January 26, 2013; 8:30 am - 12 noon
Consultations available
Discount Voucher for First 100 Eligible Attendees
El Concilio
301 South "C" Street
Deferred Action is a type of administrative relief that may be
granted by the Department of Homeland Security, which allows
a non-U.S. citizen to temporarily remain in the United States
and apply for employment authorization.
Contact El Concilio for more information:
805.486.9777 ext. 232 or 222
Fair in Collaboration with CLUE-VC & VC Mexican American Bar Association
Good morning all!! Sorry for the late notice but we have to reschedule the volunteer training for next Wednesday the 30th at 10 am and at 6 pm.