Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Join the Facebook Event!

Share with your friends, and see who is coming to the Legal Clinic on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals by joining the event on Facebook, here:

How You Can Help

If you know of others who would like to apply for DACA, please let them know about the fair at El Concilio Family Services on January 26 from 8:30 am to 12 pm.

Members of the Oxnard College DREAM Club, Dreamers Without Borders and CLUE-VC are invited to participate as volunteers during the month of February 2013 in El Concilio's Legal Clinic for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

Come be part of the action! As a DACA Volunteer, you can:

  • Assist applicants in organizing their documents for DACA Application submissions.
  • Get trained to present vital legal information to potential applicants and their families through "Know Your Rights" presentations.
    *Contact Juana for more information about Know Your Rights and Dreamers Without Borders at (805) 607-2114 or at  
You can also follow our Dreamers' events on the CLUE-VC website: CLUE-VC Upcoming Events

Training @ El Concilio Family Services on Wednesday, Jan 30; 10-11am and 6-7pm.  

We've created a Google calendar and posted it online, which will indicate the hours volunteers will be needed throughout the month of February. Follow our blog here:

Those interested in participating as a volunteer during the month of February, may contact El Concilio Family Services for more information.

Still have questions? Contact:

Fair Location: 301 South C Street in Oxnard
In collaboration with CLUE-VC, Dreamers Without Borders, and
The Ventura County Mexican American Bar Association.

Legal Clinic for Deferred Action at El Concilio

Questions about their eligibility for DACA?
Get answers.

January 26, 2013; 8:30 am to 12 pm
301 South "C" St in Oxnard

See the flyer for details!

Download in English

Download in Spanish

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Deferred Action Fair @ El Concilio

Are you eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals?
If you think you are, but have questions, please attend...

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival Fair
January 26, 2013; 8:30 am - 12 noon
Consultations available
Discount Voucher for First 100 Eligible Attendees

El Concilio
301 South "C" Street

Deferred Action is a type of administrative relief that may be
granted by the Department of Homeland Security, which allows
a non-U.S. citizen to temporarily remain in the United States
and apply for employment authorization.

Contact El Concilio for more information:
805.486.9777 ext. 232 or 222

Fair in Collaboration with CLUE-VC & VC Mexican American Bar Association